Law: 5 books
1 Six days of creation
Man was created on the sixth day
2 God rests on seventh day
Spirit creation
Adam and Eve in Garden of Eden
3 The Fall
4 Cain and Abel
Secret Combinations
5 Generations of Adam
Adam: Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch (who walked with God), Methuselah, Lamech, and Noah (who begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth).
Enoch was Gr Gr Gr Gr Gr Grandson of Adam
Noah was gr gr gr gr gr gr gr gr Grandson of Adam
6-10 Noah and the flood. Shem, Ham, Japheth
11 Tower of Babel
12-25 Abraham
12 Abraham in Egypt
13 Abraham and Lot separate
14 Abraham pays tithes to Melchizedek
15 The Abrahamic Covenant
16 Abram marries Hagar
17 Abrahamic Covenant
Ishmael is born
18 "Is anything too hard for the Lord?"
19 Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed by fire and brimstone
20 Abimelech, King of Philistines, desires Sarah
21-35 Isaac
21 Isaac is born to Abraham and Sarah
22 Abraham is commanded to offer Isaac as a sacrifice
23 Sarah dies
24 Rebekah: The 10-Camel wife
25 Abraham dies
Esau and Jacob are born to Isaac and Rebekah
Esau sells his birthright to Jacob for a mess of pottage
26 Isaac prospers as the stars in heaven
Esau marries Hittite wives
27 Jacob lies to Isaac and receives Isaac's blessings
Esau hates Jacob
28 Jacob's ladder reaching into heaven
29 Jacob meets Rachel at the well
Jacob serves Laban seven years for Rachel
Jacob marries Leah, then Rachel
Leah bears Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah
30 Joseph is born to Jacob and Rachel
31 Jacob and Laban part company
32 Jacob wrestles all night with a messenger of god
32:30 Jacob sees God face to face
33 Jacob and Esau are reconciled
34 Shechem defies Dinah
Simeon and Levi kill many
35 God appears to Jacob and changes his name to Israel
Abrahamic covenant
Benjamin is born to Rachel and Jacob
Rachel dies during childbirth with Benjamin
Isaac dies
36 Generations of Esau (Edom). Father of the Edomites
37-50 Joseph
37 Coat of many colors
Joseph dreams that his brothers show obeisance to him (Joseph's sheaf and their sheaves)
Joseph dreams that the sun, moon, and stars show obedience to him
Joseph is cast into a pit
Joseph is sold to Ishmaelites for 20 pieces of silver
Joseph's coat is dipped in blood
Joseph is sold into Egypt unto Potiphar
38 Judah has incest with his daughter-in-law, Tamar
Judah has 3 sons by a Canaanite woman
39 Potiphar buys Joseph
Lord prospers Joseph
Potiphar's wife tempts Joseph
Joseph is put into Prison
Joseph is in charge of the prison
40 Joseph interprets dreams of Pharoah's Chief Butler and Chief Baker
Pharoah hangs his chief baker
41 Pharoah's two dreams
Joseph interprets Pharoah's two dreams (7 kine, 7 corn)
Joseph is made ruler over all Egypt
Joseph marries Asenath
Food is gathered into storehouses in cities during the next seven years of plenty
Manasseh and ephraim are born
Famine throughout Egypt
42 Ten of Jacob's sons go to Egypt and buy grain
Simeon is put into prison
The other brothers return to their home in Canaan
43 11 of Jacob's sons, including Benjamin, go to Egypt to buy food
They all eat with Joseph
44 Benjamin receives the Silver cup
45 Joseph makes himself known to his brothers
They rejoice together
Pharaoh invites all of Israel's family to come and live in Goshen of Egypt
46 Jacob and his family go to dwell in Egypt (70 total)
Generations of Jacob
47 Israelites settle in Goshen
48 Israel chooses Ephraim ahead of Manasseh
Israel puts his right hand on Ephraim and his life hand on Manasseh
49 Israel blesses his 12 sons
49:22 Joseph is a fruitful bow, even a fruitful bow by a well, whose branches run over the wall.
50 Israel is buried
Joseph forgives his brothers
Joseph dies
1 COI in Egyptian bondage
2 Moses born to Levites parents
Moses is raised by Pharoah's daughter
Moses slays an Egyptian
Moses marries Zipporah
3 Lord appears to Moses at the burning bush
Moses is called to deliver Israel
Lord promises to smite Egypt and bring HOI out
4 Lord gives signs to Moses:
Rod becomes a serpent
Moses's hand becomes leperous
Water becomes blood
Moses says he is slow of speech
Lord appoints Aaron as Moses's spokesman
8-10 Plagues on the Egyptians
11 The Lord says He will bring one more plague
12 The Passover
18 Moses and Delegation, organizational leadership
25-28 Tabernacle of the congregation
28:1 Aaron and his sons are called to serve in the Priest office of the tabernacle
32 Aaron and the Golden Calf
Moses breaks the Ten Commandments of stone
33Tabernacle is moved away from the camp of Israel
Lord speaks to Moses face-to-face
37 Bezaleel makes the Arc of the covenant
(The Priesthood Handbook for that time)
21 Moses and the brazen serpent
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